Saturday, June 06, 2009

this and then that, I&A

so my father tells me, people are very careless with the word friend. i believe it is very true. a friend should not use you, have conditions on your friendship, that person should be there, even if that person is very different from the way you may be you have a way of understanding each other. sometimes you fight a lot sometimes you don't care to fight. a friend is the person you're looking for whether its to engage in a fun time and to share boredom. a friend is that person that you might not ever admit that you love them but there is no need to, at the end of the day when something goes down, they know. i guess i'm not really talking about friendships in general, it could be but i know i'm not, i'm taling about the one that's been there for me when all those other friends showed their true colors whether it be that they were my "bestfriend", became an enemy, were fake, disappeared with time or had those certain conditions and restrictions on their friendship. I'm talking about the girl who is there when he's not or my mother or father. I'm talking about the girl who has been there for me through most of the stages of our lives....awkward and pointless to beautiful and talented. My first bestfriend, India White. I guess when you consider someone your bestfriend you could also put them in the category of family. a lot has been going on lately, but i'm extremely overdramatic at times so maybe there hasn't been. Unfortunately i take forever just to put up photos so i've decided to get my blog updated with my life a little bit better for starters here are some photos taken of my beautiful bestfriend and some taken by her of myself <3

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